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    Predložky po slovesách (Prepositions after verbs)


    Predložky po slovesách (Prepositions after verbs)

    Niektoré slovesá často používame s nepriamou rečou.

    • tell someone to do sth…
      I told him to come later.
    • say to someone that…
      I said to him that I wouldn't come to the meeting.
    • tell someone that…
      They told us that they would wait there.
    • explain to sb (vysvetliť niekomu niečo)
      I explained to them how to get here.
    • promise to do sth (sľúbiť niečo urobiť)
      He promised to sweep the floor.


    Keď chceme vyjadriť „povedať niekomu niečo“

    • za slovesom tell nasleduje hneď zámeno bez to
      I told him to come later.
    • za slovesom say nasleduje zámeno s to
      I said to him to come later.


    • nepoužívajte explain bez to
      I explained them how to get here.
      I explained to them how to get here.


    • nepoužívajte promise sb to do sth
      He promised me to sweep the floor.
    • namiesto toho používame promise sb that…
      He promised me that he would sweep the floor.
    • complain to sb about sth (sťažovať sa niekomu na niečo)
      We complained to the teacher about bullying.
    • argue with sb about sth (hádať sa s niekým o niečo)
      She often argues with her brother about who should do the washing-up.
    • criticize sb for sth (kritizovať niekoho pre niečo)
      She often criticizes her husband for being late.
    • apologize to sb for something (ospravedlniť sa niekomu sa niečo)
      She apologized to him for revealing his secret.
    • blame sb for sth (viniť niekoho z niečoho)
      They blame him for their defeat.
    • discuss sth with sb (diskutovať niečo)
      They discussed the matter with their boss.


    Častou chybou je, že slovenskí študenti angličtiny používajú za slovesom discuss aj predložku about (mysliac si, že to funguje podobne ako v slovenčine).

    • za slovesom discuss sa predložka about nepoužíva
    • agree to do sth (súhlasím s niečím,  dohodnúť sa niečo urobiť)
      We agreed to meet at 5:00.
    • admit to sth (priznať sa k niečomu)
      He admitted to stealing the diamonds.
    • deny sth (poprieť niečo)
      He denies seeing the victim that night.
    • refused to do sth (odmietnuť niečo urobiť)
      The suspect refused to tell the judge what happened.
    • insist on sth (trvať na niečom)
      I insist on being at the meeting with the supplier.
    • accuse sb of sth (obnovenie niekoho z niečoho)
      The criminal was accused of murder.
    • threaten to do sth (vyhrážať sa urobiť niečo)
      Their mother threatened to ground them.