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    Príslovkové výrazy (Adverbial expressions)


    Príslovkové výrazy (Adverbial expressions)

    actually / in fact / as a matter of fact – vlastne, v skutočnosti
    I didn't watch the game. Actually, I don't like basketball.
    currently – aktuálne, v súčasnosti
    I'm currently working for a fashion company.
    on the whole / all in all – celkovo, vcelku
    All in all we had a great vacation.
    basically – v podstate
    Basically, your job will involve language and people skills.
    in other words / that is to say – inými slovami
    Her boss asked her to leave. In other words, she got sacked.
    in short – v skratke, stručne povedané
    The play took my breath away. It was, in short, fantastic!
    shortly – zakrátko, čoskoro
    We'll be ready shortly.
    as far as I'm concerned – čo sa mňa týka
    As far as my sister is concerned, she has nothing to lose.
    on the one hand, on the other hand – na jednej strane, na druhej strane
    On the one hand, it's a unique experience. On the other hand, it costs a lot.
    late – neskoro
    We came home late.
    lately – v poslednom čase.
    I've been sleeping badly lately.
    especially – najmä, predovšetkým
    I love the High Tatras, especially in winter.
    specially – špeciálne (za specially zvyčajne nasleduje minulé príčastie slovesa)
    The car was specially designed for the disabled.
    The police dogs are specially trained.
    hard – tvrdo
    You need to work hard if you want to get a promotion.
    hardly – sotva
    We hardly see each other.
    gradually / step by step / little by little – postupne
    The wind gradually dropped.
    finally / at last – konečne
    She finally told us her decision.
    eventually – napokon, nakoniec
    You'll have to tell him the truth eventually.