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    Terrible, terrific, terrifying

    Choose the correct option.

    Príbeh o duchoch, ktorý nám povedala, bol strašidelný. Nemohol som zaspať!

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    The ghost story she told us was ______. I couldn’t sleep!

    Včerajšia búrka bola desivá. Hromy boli tak hlasné!

    2 / 15

    The storm last night was ______. The thunder was so loud!

    Jeho varenie je strašné. Už to nechcem nikdy jesť!

    3 / 15

    His cooking is ______. I don’t want to eat it again!

    Nehoda na diaľnici bola hrozná. Mnoho ľudí sa zranilo.

    4 / 15

    The accident on the highway was ______. Many people were hurt.

    Jej spev je úžasný! Je to jeden z najlepších hlasov, aké som kedy počul.

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    Her singing voice is ______! It’s one of the best I’ve ever heard.

    Dal mi úžasný darček na moje narodeniny. Veľmi sa mi páčil!

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    He gave me a ______ gift for my birthday. I loved it!

    Môj deň bol hrozný, pretože od začiatku nič nešlo dobre!

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    My day was ______ because nothing went right from the start!

    Film bol taký strašidelný, že som si musel zatvoriť oči počas strašidelných scén.

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    The movie was so ______ that I had to close my eyes during the scary scenes.

    Počasie bolo hrozné, silný vietor a hustý dážď.

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    The weather was ______, with strong winds and heavy rain.

    Výhľad z hory bol úžasný. Bol taký nádherný!

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    The view from the mountain was ______. It was so beautiful!

    Tá jazda na horskej dráhe bola desivá. Kričal som celý čas!

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    That roller coaster ride was ______. I was screaming the whole time!

    Ohňostroj bol úžasný! Všetci tlieskali a radovali sa.

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    The fireworks display was ______! Everyone clapped and cheered.

    Oslava bola fantastická! Všetci sa veľmi dobre zabávali.

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    The party was ______! Everyone had so much fun.

    Hotel bol hrozný. Izba bola špinavá a personál bol nezdvorilý.

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    The hotel was ______. The room was dirty and the staff was rude.

    Včera som pozeral strašidelný dokument o žralokoch.

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    I watched a ______ documentary about sharks last night.

    Vaše skóre je