Have you ever stroked a chicken?
Excellent! You’ve formed the correct answer in the Present Perfect!
Hmm… You’ve probably made a mistake in the Present Perfect form.
Yes, I’ve stroked a chicken. • No, I haven't stroked a chicken.
When did you stroke a chicken?
Good! You’ve formed the correct answer in the Past Simple!
You’ve probably used the Past Simple incorrectly.
I stroked a chicken when I was a child.
Have you ever milked a cow?
Well done! You’ve formed the correct answer in the Present Perfect!
You’ve probably made a mistake in the Present Perfect form.
Yes, I’ve milked a cow. • No, I haven't milked a cow.
Great job! You’ve formed the correct answer in the Past Simple!
Oh no! You’ve probably made a mistake in the Past Simple form.
I milked a cow on a farm trip last year.
Have you ever built a sandcastle?
Super! You’ve answered the Present Perfect question correctly!
Oops! You’ve probably made a mistake in the Present Perfect form.
Yes, I’ve built a sandcastle before. • No, I haven't built a sandcastle.
When did you build a sandcastle?
Excellent! Your Past Simple answer is correct!
You’ve probably made a mistake in the Past Simple form.
I built a sandcastle at the beach last summer.
Have you ever baked bread?
Brilliant! You’ve answered the Present Perfect question correctly!
You’ve probably used the Present Perfect incorrectly.
Yes, I’ve baked bread. • No, I haven't baked bread.
Well done! You’ve formed the correct answer in the Past Simple!
Uh-oh! You’ve probably used the Past Simple incorrectly.
I baked bread with my family last weekend.
Have you ever got a love letter?
Very well! Your answer in the Present Perfect is correct!
Too bad! You’ve probably used the Present Perfect incorrectly.
Yes, I’ve got a love letter. • No, I haven't got a love letter.
When did you get a love letter?
Super! You’ve answered the Past Simple question correctly!
You’ve probably made a mistake in the Past Simple form.
I got a love letter in high school.
Have you ever had an unusual hair color?
Excellent! You’ve formed the correct answer in the Present Perfect!
Oh no! You’ve probably made a mistake in the Present Perfect form.
Yes, I’ve had an unusual hair color before. • No, I haven't had an unusual hair color.
When did you have an unusual hair color?
Well done! Your Past Simple answer is correct!
You’ve probably used the Past Simple incorrectly.
I had an unusual hair color when I was a teenager.
Have you ever tried a strange ice cream flavor?
Great! Your answer in the Present Perfect is correct!
You’ve probably used the Present Perfect incorrectly.
Yes, I’ve tried a strange ice cream flavor. • No, I haven't tried a strange ice cream flavor.
When did you try a strange ice cream flavor?
Great job! You’ve formed the correct answer in the Past Simple!
Hmm… You’ve probably made a mistake in the Past Simple form.
I tried a strange ice cream flavor last summer. It was cucumber ice cream.
Have you ever heard strange noises in your house?
Super! You’ve answered the Present Perfect question correctly!
Uh-oh! You’ve probably used the Present Perfect incorrectly.
Yes, I’ve heard strange noises in my house. • No, I haven't heard strange noises in my house.
When did you hear strange noises in your house?
Good! You’ve formed the correct answer in the Past Simple!
You’ve probably used the Past Simple incorrectly.
I heard strange noises in my house last night.
Have you ever eaten spaghetti with your hands?
Great job! Your answer in the Present Perfect is correct!
You’ve probably made a mistake in the Present Perfect form.
Yes, I’ve eaten spaghetti with my hands. • No, I haven't eaten spaghetti with my hands.
When did you eat spaghetti with your hands?
Well done! Your Past Simple answer is correct!
Too bad! You’ve probably used the Past Simple incorrectly.
I ate spaghetti with my hands as a kid.
Have you ever burnt some food?
Super! You’ve answered the Present Perfect question correctly!
Oh no! You’ve probably used the Present Perfect incorrectly.
Yes, I’ve burnt some food before. • No, I haven't burnt any food.
When did you burn some food?
Brilliant! You’ve formed the correct answer in the Past Simple!
You’ve probably made a mistake in the Past Simple form.
I burnt some toast last weekend.
Za pomocným slovesom “have/haven’t” nezabudnite použiť minulé príčastie pravidelného slovesa stroke, čiže stroked. Áno, už som hladkal sliepku. • Nie, ešte som nehladkal sliepku.
Otázka je v minulom čase, lebo sa pýta na konkrétny čas v minulosti. Musíme teda použiť minulý čas pravidelného slovesa stroke, ktorým je stroked.
V odpovedi za pomocným slovesom have/haven’t použijeme minulé príčastie pravidelného slovesa milk, teda milked. Áno, už som dojil kravu. • Nie, ešte som nedojil kravu.
Jednoduchý minulý čas slovesa milk je milked.
V predprítomnom čase musíme za pomocným slovesom have/haven’t použiť minulé príčastie slovesa build, čiže built. Áno, už som postavil hrad z piesku. • Nie, ešte som nepostavil hrad z piesku.
Minulý jednoduchý tvar slovesa build sa zhoduje s jeho minulým príčastím – built.
Za have/haven’t použijeme minulé príčastie pravidelného slovesa bake, ktorým je baked. Áno, už som piekol chlieb. • Nie, ešte som nepiekol chlieb.
Minulý čas slovesa bake je baked.
Za have/haven’t použijeme minulé príčastie nepravidelného slovesa get, ktorým je buď got alebo gotten. Áno, už som dostal ľúbostný list. • Nie, ešte som nedostal ľúbostný list.
Minulý jednoduchý tvar slovesa get je got.
Za pomocným slovesom have/haven’t nasleduje minulé príčastie slovesa have, čiže had. Kombinácia “have had” síce na prvý pohľad môže vyzerať zvláštne, ale je správna. Áno, už som mal nezvyčajnú farbu vlasov. • Nie, ešte som nemal nezvyčajnú farbu vlasov.
Minulý tvar slovesa have je had.
Po pomocnom slovese have/haven’t nezabudnite použiť minulé príčastie pravidelného slovesa try, teda tried. Áno, už som skúsil zvláštnu príchuť zmrzliny. • Nie, ešte som neskúsil zvláštnu príchuť zmrzliny.
Pozor na hláskovanie minulého tvaru slovesa try, kde sa y mení na i a pridáva sa koncovka -ed, teda tried.
Minulé príčastie slovesa hear je totožné s jeho minulým tvarom, teda heard. Nezabúdajte na pomocné sloveso have. Áno, už som počul zvláštne zvuky v dome. • Nie, ešte som nepočul zvláštne zvuky v dome.
Minulý tvar nepravidelného slovesa hear je heard.
Za pomocným slovesom “have/haven’t” nezabudnite použiť minulé príčastie nepravidelného slovesa eat, čiže eaten. Áno, už som jedol špagety rukami. • Nie, ešte som nejedol špagety rukami.
Jednoduchý minulý čas slovesa eat je ate.
Sloveso burn je pravidelné aj nepravidelné. Preto za have/haven’t môžeme použiť tvar burned alebo burnt. Áno, už som pripálil nejaké jedlo. • Nie, ešte som nepripálil žiadne jedlo.
Keďže burn je aj pravidelné, aj nepravidelné sloveso, jeho minulý tvar je buď burned alebo burnt.