What did you bring from the supermarket last time?
Good! You used "brought" and gave examples of things you got.
Hmm... Something is wrong. You’ve probably used the wrong past form of “bring”.
I brought some apples and bread.
How much did you spend in the supermarket?
Great! You used "spent" and said how much money.
Try again. You’ve probably used the wrong past form of “spend”.
I spent ten euros.
Did you feel tired when you woke up this morning?
Well done! You used "felt" or "did not feel" as the past form of feel.
Too bad… You’ve made a mistake with the past simple of “feel”.
Yes, I felt very tired. • No, I didn’t feel tired.
What dish did you choose the last time you were at a restaurant?
Excellent! You used "chose" correctly!
Try again. Use the past form of "choose". It’s an irregular verb.
I chose pasta with tomato sauce.
Did you grow any herbs on your balcony last year?
Good job! You used "grew" or "did not grow" as the past form of grow.
Not correct. You’ve probably used the wrong past form of “grow”.
Yes, I grew basil and mint. • No, I did not grow any herbs.
What did you hear when you woke up this morning?
Great! You used "heard" and gave an example of what you heard.
Uh-oh… Something is wrong. Try again!
I heard birds singing.
Did you keep your old toys from childhood?
Well done! You used "kept" or "did not keep" and added details about your toys.
Try again. Use the past form of keep, positive or negative.
Yes, I kept my favorite teddy bear. • No, I did not keep any toys.
Did you eat any meat yesterday?
Good! You used "ate" or "did not eat" as the past form of eat.
Hmm, you’ve probably made a mistake in the past form of “eat”.
Yes, I ate chicken for lunch. • No, I didn’t eat any meat.
What alcohol did you drink last weekend?
Great! You used "drank" and gave an example of what alcohol you had.
Oops! Something is wrong… Try again.
I drank wine at dinner.
Where did you last fly?
Well done! You used "flew" and mentioned the place you traveled to.
Not right. Use "flew" for the past and say where you went.
I flew to Paris for a holiday.
Did you swim in the sea last summer?
Fantastic! You used "swam" or "did not swim" correctly!
Not correct. Try to use the correct past form of swim.
Yes, I swam in the sea every day last summer. • No, I did not swim in the sea.
How did you sleep last night?
Good! You used "slept" and explained how well you slept.
Oh-oh! You’ve probably used the incorrect past form of “sleep”.
I slept very well.
Did a man or a woman teach you math at basic school?
Excellent! You used "taught" and said who your math teacher was.
Hmm, try again. Use the correct past form of “teach” and say who taught you.
A man taught me math. • A woman taught me math.
Did you think math was easy or difficult?
Good! You used "thought" and explained your opinion about math.
Oh no! Something is wrong! Try again.
I thought math was difficult. • I thought math was easy.
What did you wear yesterday?
Well done! You used "wore" and gave a clear example of what you wore.
Try again. Use the past form of "wear" and describe your outfit.
I wore a blue dress and shoes.
Minulý čas od "bring" je "brought."
Minulý čas od "spend" je "spent." Pridajte konkrétnu sumu peňazí pre lepšiu odpoveď.
Minulý čas od "feel" je "felt." Použite ho, keď popisujete pocity v minulosti. Zápor je "did not feel".
Minulý čas od "choose" je "chose." Je dôležité to aj správne vysloviť: [čouz].
Minulý čas od "grow" je "grew." Spomeňte konkrétne bylinky, ktoré ste pestovali. Ak ste nepestovali bylinky, musíte povedať "I did not grow" any herbs.
Minulý čas od "hear" je "heard."
Minulý čas od "keep" je "kept." Spomeňte konkrétne hračky, ak ste si ich nechali. Ak nie, je potrebné použiť zápor "I did not keep" my old toys.
Minulý čas od "eat" je "ate." Výslovnosť je [eit]. Zápor je "I did not eat" any meat.
Minulý čas od "drink" je "drank." Výslovnosť je [drenk].
Minulý čas od "fly" je "flew." Uveďte konkrétne miesto, kam ste leteli.
Minulý čas od "swim" je "swam." Použite ho na opis plávania v minulosti a vyslovte ho ako [swem]. Zápor je "I did not swim".
Minulý čas od "sleep" je "slept."
Minulý čas od "teach" je "taught." Je dôležité začať vetu tým, kto vás učil matematiku.
Minulý čas od "think" je "thought." Použite ho na opis názoru na niečo v minulosti.
Minulý čas od "wear" je "wore."