1.1 At a travel agency | V cestovnej kancelárii
V tejto lekcii sa naučíte časté výrazy a frázy, ktoré vám pomôžu pri komunikácii v cestovnej kancelárii alebo pri kupovaní fakultatívnych výletov na dovolenke.
PRONUNCIATION Use the flashcards below to study the vocabulary. Listen to or download the recording to check the pronunciation.
PRACTICE First learn the vocabulary below which we'll use later in the dialogs.
PRONUNCIATION Use the flashcards below to study the vocabulary. Listen to or download the recording to check the pronunciation.
SITUATIONS Practice the dialogs below.

Booking a beach holiday (Rezervácia dovolenky na pláži)
Travel Agent: Good morning, how may I help you?
Customer: I'm interested in booking a beach holiday. I'm looking for something relaxing and affordable.
Travel Agent: Great. Can you provide more details about what you're looking for?
Customer: Sure.
Travel Agent: When would you like to travel?
Customer: I'm flexible with dates, but I'd prefer to go in June or July.
Travel Agent: Do you have any special requirements?
Customer: Not really. I'm looking for a destination with great weather, beautiful beaches, and plenty of activities to enjoy.
Travel Agent: We have some excellent options in Europe, such as the Canary Islands, Mallorca, Ibiza, and Crete. These islands offer stunning beaches, clear water, and a wide range of activities like swimming, snorkeling, and scuba diving.
Customer: Those destinations sound interesting. I'll need some time to think about it. Can you please send me brochures about these destinations?
Travel Agent: Of course.
Customer: Thank you, I appreciate it. I'll be in touch soon.
Travel Agent: Good morning, how may I help you?
Customer: I'm i___________ in b___________ a beach holiday. I'm l___________ for something relaxing and a___________.
Travel Agent: Great. Can you p___________ more details a_________ what you're l___________ for?
Customer: Sure.
Travel Agent: When w___________ you like to travel?
Customer: I'm f___________ with dates, but I'd p___________ to go in June or July.
Travel Agent: Do you have any special r___________?
Customer: Not really. I'm l___________ for a destination with great weather, beautiful beaches, and plenty of activities to e___________.
Travel Agent: We have some excellent o___________ in Europe, such as the Canary Islands, Mallorca, Ibiza, and Crete. These islands o________ stunning beaches, clear water, and a wide r_________ of activities like swimming, snorkeling, and scuba diving.
Customer: Those destinations s________ interesting. I'll need some time to think about it. Can you please send me b___________ about these d___________?
Travel Agent: Of course, I'd be h___________ to.
Customer: Thank you, I a__________ it. I'll be in t___________ soon.
Cestovná kancelária: Dobrý deň, ako vám môžem pomôcť?
Zákazník: Mám záujem o rezerváciu dovolenky na pláži. Hľadám niečo relaxačné a cenovo dostupné.
Cestovná kancelária: Skvelé. Môžete mi poskytnúť viac podrobností o tom, čo hľadáte?
Zákazník: Jasné.
Cestovná kancelária: Kedy by ste chceli cestovať?
Zákazník: Som flexibilný, pokiaľ ide o termíny, ale radšej by som išiel v júni alebo júli.
Cestovná kancelária: Máte nejaké špeciálne požiadavky?
Zákazník: Ani nie. Hľadám destináciu so skvelým počasím, krásnymi plážami a množstvom aktivít.
Cestovná kancelária: V Európe máme niekoľko vynikajúcich možností, ako sú Kanárske ostrovy, Mallorca, Ibiza a Kréta. Tieto ostrovy ponúkajú úžasné pláže, čistú vodu a širokú škálu aktivít, ako je plávanie, šnorchlovanie a potápanie.
Zákazník: Tie destinácie znejú zaujímavo. Budem potrebovať nejaký čas na rozmyslenie. Môžete mi prosím poslať brožúry o týchto destináciách?
Cestovná kancelária: Samozrejme.
Zákazník: Ďakujem. Čoskoro sa ozvem
PRONUNCIATION Use the flashcards below to study the vocabulary. Listen to or download the recording to check the pronunciation.

Accommodation (Ubytovanie)
Travel agent: Hi, how can I help you today?
Customer: I'm looking for accommodation for my family.
Travel agent: OK, we offer hotels, apartments, and cottages.
Customer: What type of accommodation would you recommend?
Travel agent: Well, that depends on your budget.
Customer: I wouldn't like to pay more than 150€ per night. I prefer something convenient and comfortable.
Travel agent: I see. If you're looking for a convenient and comfortable option, a hotel is a good choice. Hotels offer various amenities like restaurants, swimming pools, and fitness centers. I can help you find something in your price range.
Customer: That sounds good. What about apartments and cottages?
Travel agent: Apartments and cottages are good options if you need more space and privacy. They can sometimes be more affordable than hotels. However, you'll have to do cooking and cleaning.
Customer: Okay, thanks for the information. I'll think about it and let you know.
Travel agent: You're welcome. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any other questions.
Travel agent: Hi, how can I h________ you today?
Customer: I’m l_________ for accommodation for my family.
Travel agent: OK, we o_________ r hotels, apartments, and c_________ .
Customer: What type of acc_________ would you re_________ ?
Travel agent: Well, that de_________ on your b_________ .
Customer: I wouldn’t like to pay more than 150€ per night. I pr_________ something conv_________ and comf_________ .
Travel agent: I see. If you’re looking for a convenient and comfortable o_________ , a hotel is a good ch_________ . Hotels offer various amen_________ like restaurants, swimming pools, and fitness centers. I can help you find something with_____your price r_________ .
Customer: That s_________ good. What about apartments and cottages?
Travel agent: Apartments and cottages are good options if you need more space and pr_________ . They can sometimes be more aff_________ than hotels. However, you’ll h_______ to do your own cooking and cleaning.
Customer: Okay, thanks for the information. I’ll think about it and l____ you know.
Travel agent: You’re welcome. Please don’t he_________ to contact me if you have any other questions.
Cestovná kancelária: Zdravím, ako vám dnes môžem pomôcť?
Zákazník: Hľadám ubytovanie pre svoju rodinu.
Cestovná kancelária: OK, ponúkame hotely, apartmány a chaty.
Zákazník: Aký typ ubytovania by ste mi odporučili?
Cestovná kancelária: No, to závisí od vášho rozpočtu.
Zákazník: Nerád by som zaplatil viac ako 150 € za noc. Preferujem niečo praktické a pohodlné.
Cestovná kancelária: Chápem. Ak hľadáte praktickú a pohodlnú alternatívu, hotel je dobrou voľbou. Hotely ponúkajú rôzne vybavenie, ako sú reštaurácie, bazény a fitness centrá. Pomôžem vám nájsť niečo vo vašej cenovej kategórii.
Zákazník: To znie dobre. A čo apartmány a chaty?
Cestovná kancelária: Apartmány a chaty sú dobré možnosti, ak potrebujete viac priestoru a súkromia. Niekedy môžu byť cenovo dostupnejšie ako hotely. O varenie a upratovanie sa však budete musieť postarať sami.
Zákazník: V poriadku, ďakujem za informáciu. Premyslím si to a dám vedieť.
Cestovná kancelária: Nemáte za čo. Ak máte ďalšie otázky, neváhajte nás kontaktovať.
PRONUNCIATION Use the flashcards below to study the vocabulary. Listen to or download the recording to check the pronunciation.

Booking a cruise (Rezervácia výletnej plavby)
Couple: Good morning, we're interested in booking a cruise.
Travel Agent: Great. What kind of itinerary are you looking for?
Couple: We're open to suggestions, but we're interested in visiting some Mediterranean islands.
Travel Agent: We have several cruises departing from Genoa that visit various Mediterranean islands and ports. Here's a brochure with many options to choose from.
Couple: Will you take care of travel insurance?
Travel Agent: Certainly. We can arrange travel insurance, which covers expenses such as medical costs and lost luggage.
Couple: What are the cancellation fees for your cruises?
Travel Agent: Cancellation fees vary depending on the cruise line and the time of year. However, most cruise lines offer a full refund if you cancel more than 60 days before your departure date.
Couple: Do you offer any senior discounts?
Travel Agent: Yes, many cruise lines offer senior discounts, typically around 5-10%.
Couple: Thank you for your time. We'll take a look at the brochures and get back to you soon.
Travel Agent: You're welcome. I look forward to hearing from you.
Couple: Good morning, we're ________ in booking a cruise.
Travel Agent: Great. What kind of ________ are you looking for?
Couple: We're open to ________ , but we're interested in visiting some Mediterranean ________ .
Travel Agent: We have several cruises ________ from Genoa that visit various Mediterranean islands and ports. Here's a ________ with many options to choose from.
Couple: Will you take ________ of travel insurance?
Travel Agent: Certainly. We can ________ travel insurance, which ________ expenses such as medical costs and lost luggage.
Couple: What are the cancellation ________ for your cruises?
Travel Agent: Cancellation ________ ________ depending on the cruise line and the time of year. However, most cruise lines offer a full ________ if you cancel more than 60 days before your departure date.
Couple: Do you offer any senior ________ ?
Travel Agent: Yes, many cruise lines offer senior ________ , typically around 5-10%.
Couple: Thank you for your time. We'll take a ________ at the brochures and ________ back to you soon.
Travel Agent: You're ________ . I look ________ to hearing from you.
Pár: Dobré ráno, máme záujem o rezerváciu plavby.
Cestovná kancelária: Skvelé. Aký typ itinerára hľadáte?
Pár: Sme otvorení návrhom, ale máme záujem navštíviť niektoré stredomorské ostrovy.
Cestovná kancelária: Máme niekoľko plavieb s odletom z Janova, ktoré navštívia rôzne stredomorské ostrovy a prístavy. Tu je brožúra s mnohými možnosťami, z ktorých si môžete vybrať.
Pár: Postaráte sa aj o cestovné poistenie?
Cestovná kancelária: Určite. Vieme dohodnúť cestovné poistenie, ktoré pokrýva výdavky ako liečebné náklady a stratenú batožinu.
Pár: Aké sú storno poplatky za vaše plavby?
Cestovná kancelária: Storno poplatky sa líšia v závislosti od výletnej linky a ročného obdobia. Väčšina výletných spoločností však ponúka plnú náhradu, ak zrušíte viac ako 60 dní pred dátumom odchodu.
Pár: Ponúkate nejaké seniorské zľavy?
Cestovná kancelária: Áno, mnohé výletné spoločnosti ponúkajú seniorské zľavy, zvyčajne okolo 5-10%.
Pár: Ďakujem za váš čas. Pozrieme sa na brožúry a čoskoro sa vám ozveme.
Cestovná kancelária: Nemáte za čo. Teším sa na vašu odpoveď.
PRONUNCIATION Use the flashcards below to study the vocabulary. Listen to or download the recording to check the pronunciation.

Board options (Možnosti stravovania)
Receptionist: Good morning. How can I help you today?
Guest: Hi, I'm interested in the board options available at the hotel.
Receptionist: We offer half board, full board, and self-catering.
Guest: We'll be out during the day, so I think lunch won't be necessary.
Receptionist: I see. Our half board includes breakfast and one other meal, typically dinner. Full board covers breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Self-catering means you'll prepare your own meals.
Guest: Thanks for explaining, but I'll go with half board.
Receptionist: Excellent choice. You'll enjoy a delicious breakfast buffet each morning and a four-course dinner each evening.
Guest: Sounds perfect. Thank you for your help.
Receptionist: You're welcome. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask.
Receptionist: Good morning. How can I help you today?
Guest: Hi, I'm i__________ ____ the b______ options available at the hotel.
Receptionist: We offer h____ board, full b_____, and s________-c_______.
Guest: We'll be out during the day, so I think lunch won't be n______.
Receptionist: I see. Our half board in______ breakfast and one other meal, typically dinner. Full board c______ breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Self-catering means you'll p______ your own meals.
Guest: Thanks for ex______, but I'll g____ with half board.
Receptionist: Excellent choice. You'll enjoy a d__________ breakfast buffet each morning and a four-c______ dinner each evening.
Guest: S_____ perfect. Thank you for your help.
Receptionist: You're w______. If you have any other questions, please f_____ f______to ask.
Recepčná: Dobrý deň. Ako Vám dnes môžem pomôcť?
Hosť: Zdravím, zaujímajú ma možnosti stravovania dostupné v hoteli.
Recepčná: Ponúkame polpenziu, plnú penziu a vlastné stravovanie.
Hosť: Cez deň budeme vonku, takže si myslím, že obed nebude potrebný.
Recepčná: Chápem. Naša polpenzia zahŕňa raňajky a jedno ďalšie jedlo, zvyčajne večeru. Plná penzia zahŕňa raňajky, obedy a večere. Vlastné stravovanie znamená, že si jedlo pripravíte sami.
Hosť: Ďakujem za vysvetlenie, ale ostanem pri polpenzii.
Recepčná: Skvelá voľba. Každé ráno si vychutnáte lahodné raňajky formou švédskych stolov a každý večer štvorchodovú večeru.
Hosť: Znie to perfektne. Ďakujem za vašu pomoc.
Recepčná: Nemáte za čo. Ak máte ďalšie otázky, pokojne sa pýtajte.